Author Archives: ToppleTomr

Shambles And Rambles Will Conclude With Episode 20, A Sequel Series Will Arrive Soon After…

Hello there,

For a good full year this series has managed to spring out more episodes than I initial thought possible and I am very grateful for this. However, similar to how times are changing now, this series has reached it’s full potential and will be officially concluding after a successful twenty episodes under it’s wing. Not only is this a successful accomplishment to me personally, but also to everyone else here at GeekBeerz.

This was intended to be a fun series that helped us and, hopefully, others during the quarantine days of the 2020 pandemic. I would like to think that this was a coping mechanism of a podcast to help ease the tension of the sucky world around us. And as we head closer and closer to normalcy again, the less and less this podcast will seem relevant. Despite this decision, never say never again.

There will be a sequel series in the works, a test recording with three of us has already happened and all I can say now is that it’s close to being something worth taking this mantle away from what came before.

I wish to thank those I’ve come to know for actually listening to this series and I especially want to thank each of my friends individually.

Thank you Geoff for participating when you could, holding back the cursing when you could, and for dealing with all that Pokemon talk.

Thank you Taylor for bringing your unique sense of humor and charm, as well as physically showing up even if you sometimes fell asleep.

And thank you Sherman for being an amazing “co-host”, and truly prepping for these random topics, ideas, and occasionally in-depth discussions.

As I said, Shamb Ramb will live on in another series, but the classic will never be forgotten. Thank you and goodbye.


Shambles And Rambles 1.18: Top 6 Psychic Types [kinda]

Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.
In this episode, we try to do a new top six pokemon list in a new location until everything goes horribly wrong.
You can email questions and topic suggestions over at! You can also email at the contact tab over at

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Shambles And RAMBLES 1.17: Talking Trash

Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.
In this episode, we talk about some trashy media we’ve experienced.
You can email questions and topic suggestions over at! You can also email at the contact tab over at

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Shambles and Rambles 2.3: Sherman’s Top 10 Video Games of all Time

A long delay between this episode and the last, an update will be added…

Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.
In this episode, Co-host Sherman goes through his own list of favorite games of all time. Warning: Some reluctance on his part…
You can email questions and topic suggestions over at! You can also email at the contact tab over at

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Shambles And Rambles 2.2: Top 6 Water Type

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Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.
In this episode we continue our Pokemon mini series with water types.
You can email questions and topic suggestions over at! You can also email at the contact tab over at

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Shambles And Rambles 2.1: A Game Of Super Fight

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Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.
In this first episode of season two, we decide to play a fun and non-confusing game of Super Fight…
You can email questions and topic suggestions over at! You can also email at the contact tab over at

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Shambles and Rambles 1.13: Special: Pokemon Kanto Region Run

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Shambles and Rambles is a series of random topics and discussions each episode about literally anything. These discussions are fun “Tangents that eventually evolve into absolute derails of enjoyment.

This episode is the season finale episode for season one of shamb ramb, this episode will explore our journey through the Kanto region as well as other random moments like exploring the Goofy lore and ranting on Pokemon problems.
You can send in questions and topic ideas to have either answered on an episode or became an actual episode with credit, just send in at (explicit or innapropriate material will not be allowed)

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Outlandish Opinions: The High Republic Will Be Awesome, But Ultimately Pointless (Star Wars)


Hello everyone, it’s been too long since I’ve written nonsense opinions here.

With the conclusion of the Star Wars episodic saga with Rise of Skywalker, the future of the franchise will certainly be an interesting journey both for the company and the fandom. One of these revelations comes in the form of the High Republic, a subsidiary-era within the Star Wars universe that will delve into multiple different stories and tales in the form of books and comics.

Now this was an initial news of excitement and such, but I have since had time to think about it and ultimately I believe that limitations are likely to occur. Again, these are just my outlandish and stupid opinions. However if you want to read what I believe this “project luminous” series to be, than so be it… Read the rest of this entry

Most Interesting Upcoming Next-Gen Titles [6/16/2020]

console wars

We are now officially heading into the next generation of console gaming. Alongside the already apparent and impressive Nintendo Switch system, we’ll soon be getting our hands on the new Xbox Series X as well as the Playstation 5.

Memes aside, these new consoles are easily the most striking and most daring yet with both their physical appearances and their inner workings. But as gamers overall we’ve always cared less about the box and more about the games themselves. So which upcoming games should we look forward to? Which ones impress us here at GeekBeerz the most?

What we have hear is our personal list to help you keep up to date on what will likely be the most impressive games to release in the future of gaming! Read the rest of this entry

Pokemon Through The Years [6/2/2020 EDIT]

Pokemon through the years

With more information recently revealed, another update to our continuing list of “Pokemon  through the years”. Check it out!

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