Blog Archives

Outlandish Opinions: The High Republic Will Be Awesome, But Ultimately Pointless (Star Wars)


Hello everyone, it’s been too long since I’ve written nonsense opinions here.

With the conclusion of the Star Wars episodic saga with Rise of Skywalker, the future of the franchise will certainly be an interesting journey both for the company and the fandom. One of these revelations comes in the form of the High Republic, a subsidiary-era within the Star Wars universe that will delve into multiple different stories and tales in the form of books and comics.

Now this was an initial news of excitement and such, but I have since had time to think about it and ultimately I believe that limitations are likely to occur. Again, these are just my outlandish and stupid opinions. However if you want to read what I believe this “project luminous” series to be, than so be it… Read the rest of this entry

Outlandish Prediction: The Rockruff Evolution Line Is A Precursor To The Sword And Shield Legendaries…


Hello everyone, I am back again with more Pokemon! More specifically, I’m back with one very outlandish prediction and personal theory. I believe the title says it all so please continue reading for a further explanation in context… Read the rest of this entry

God Of War [PS4] – My Impressions + Minor Update (No Spoils)


Welcome to yet another impression, and this time it’s with a game that has been dominating the review front as of late.

I have spent a little over a week on this game and have finally beaten it. Taylor has also beaten it so I’ll be adding a few comments and impressions from him in this post as well. There will also be no spoilers in the game since I feel as though spoiling would absolutely ruin this game for anyone new or old to the series. So is Kratos a better character now? Is God Of War still relevant to our modern day? Let’s find out…

Read the rest of this entry

My Ultimate HATE (And Love) Relationship With: The Transformers Films


Welcome to a new style editorial series that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. This is where we look at something for a topic, whether a film series or even a group of individuals, and analyze them from certain perspectives. Generally these will include topics of things that are disliked by a majority, yet still liked by a not-so-little minority. And with the recent announcement of a particularly cancelled sixth film, as well as plans for a one-hundred percent reboot by 2021, we’re going to target the bay-splosion Transformer films as our first topic of this series. Read the rest of this entry

Updates! – “2017 Games Completed Podcast Special” Coming Soon, GBP: GeekBeerz Podcast Returning Soon-ish, Geeks In A Dungeon On A Mini Hiatus, “WHOSWWBM” Coming 2018, and Fantasy Gorilla Coming Out Mid To Late 2018…

Hey whoever reads this! If you have been keeping up with the site, you will have noticed that nothing has happened since Christmas. Well that’s because we took the seasonal few weeks off to spend time with family and other loved ones for both Christmas and New Years, basically vacation time for the guys here. But the other complication was life getting in the way! I had to begin a new semester of classes, Taylor had to get surgery #498, and Geoff and Shrew are very busy with their own jobs. But we’d figured that we should at least give an update on everything planned and allow whoever visits our site to see what to expect in the year 2018…


Podcast Special – “GBP: Our 2017 Completed Games Lists” – We have recorded a special episode regarding our games of 2017 we completed, as well as our thoughts on said games, we also joke about nonsense and explain how our lives have been. Expect this to be one of the first things to come out very soon, assuming Geoff edits and finishes this in a quickened pace, I will also be providing a video version of this special!

GBP: GeekBeerz Podcast” – Our main and returning podcast is assured to be heading your way soon, technically we have three to four episodes completed but there releases are uncertain since, again, we are living busy lives.

Geeks in a Dungeon cover two

“Geeks In A Dungeon” – We hope you have enjoyed the recently available episodes! But anyone who has been keeping up will notice the releases of these episodes (which was every late Sunday or so) has suddenly stopped. This was both due to the holidays as well as other inconveniences such as major editing time needed and not being able to recording newer episodes to keep the pace going. But we’re certain that Shrew is planning things out as we speak, and the adventures will continue in no time!

“We Hate Ourselves, So We Watch BAD Movies” – This is a new series we hopes to release as soon as possible, this is where we record our experience and distaste towards universally despised films. This is not really a “riff” so much as it is audio commentary with pointless conversations. Why do we do this? Well sometimes we just really hate ourselves that much! Expect this to come out hopefully soon!

Fantasy Gorilla

“The Fantasy Gorilla” – This spin-off will have to take some time to do, there is a particular planned segment in it that requires more reworking and planning. We hope to expect this to release by Summer of 2018.

Other than that, we hope to make more fun posts soon, including top lists and editorials of a number of things. Also expect future impressions on 2018 releases of games and movies such as Black Panther, Monster Hunter: World, and even the remastered Shadow of the Colossus. Keep up with the site and we’ll see you back here soon…




STAR WARS: The Last Jedi – My Impression (Obviously Spoilers)


Welcome to my impression of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, where I give my sort-of-not-really review of the movie. I had to wait a few days to finally write this because I needed to process all the moments and elements of this film, and there is a lot of major events that go on in this. I hope you all enjoy!

Spoiler Warning!!!: Very prevalent spoilers in this impression, it is almost impossible to talk about this film without spoilers so do not read unless you’ve seen the film for yourself!!! You have been warned!!! Read the rest of this entry

GBHorror2017: Little Nightmares: My Impression


Welcome back to another GBHorror post! Let us keep this horror train going with another Impression post. Like my Impression posts on Pokemon Moon version, these posts are technically game review posts but without numbers or ratings. I instead write up my opinions whether good or bad, then give my final intake in the end. Little Nightmares was a particular game that I feel is capable of being talked about in a single post (my Pokemon Moon one is split into three parts, with part three coming at a later date). So please read what I thought of the little Indie game known as Little Nightmares. Read the rest of this entry