Members of GB

Main Members:


Geoffrey “Geoff” Porter / “WhiteGShepherd”

Editor / Designer / Founder and Creator of “GeekBeerz” and “GeekBeerz Podcast”

Genre of Interest: Real-Time Strategy

27 years old

Likes: Anime  Dislikes: Homestuck

Geoff has always been a gamer at heart, almost owning every known gaming console to ever hit the states! His burning passion for personal opinions and agendas is as real as can be. He is now has the ambition to make a name for himself! He resides with his wife and two children,


Thomas “Tom” Western / “Toppletomr”

Lead Poster / Lead Artist / Creator of “Shambles and Rambles”

Genre of Interest: Survival Horror

27 years old

Likes: Drawing  Dislikes: Scarecrows

Tom strives to entertain those around him, even if he’s not the best at it! While being born with Asperger’s, Tom uses this as an advantage rather than a curse. He is currently living the wonderful life of a starving artist. He also has an Instagram Account as well as an Etsy store under the name alias of “Toppletomr”.


Taylor “Tay” Bergstrom / “TaylorGamesOrDie!”

Co-Editor / Operations / Creator of “Taylor Games Or Die!”

Genre of Interest: Action (in General)

23 years old

Likes: Utah Utes  Dislikes: E.T.

Owning up to his spinal surgery, Taylor is both a broken man and a strong-willed warrior! Besides his desire to blast enemies in games, he also enjoys maintaining nature with some fun outdoor landscaping. He is currently engaged.


Alex “Shrew” Sherman / “Salt”

Operations / Lead Editor / Creator of “Geeks in a Dungeon”

Genre of Interest: Competitive Online Games

26 years old

Likes: PC Gaming  Dislikes: Working

Alex, who simply goes by his last name “Sherman” or “Shrew”, is possibly the smartest and most complicated of the bunch! His patience with certain games as well as our nonsense is unreal! He dreams to become a professional PC Gamer.


Joshua “Josh” Bergstrom / “Loitering Hatred”


Genre of Interest: Sport Games

21 years old

Likes: Fortnite  Dislikes: Utah Utes

Josh is basically our sports guy, loving everything regarding basketball and football. This also includes sports related games, but his current love will forever be Fortnite! He is currently on a church mission, but will be back in a few years.


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